Candidates urged to take election profile survey
Mercury coverage of the upcoming municipal election has entered the digital age.
Due to the high number of contested races and the low number of available reporters, individual interviews will not be possible this year.
To provide coverage of as many races as possible, the Mercury has posted a seven-question survey online through the free Survey Monkey site.
The web address is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/86QLVCW and candidates in races for policy-making municipal positions on school boards and township board offices are asked to fill out the form to be included in profiles of each race.
All responses must be completed by Oct. 25. Due to the volume, candidates will not be contacted individually and are responsible for filling out the survey questions.
Candidates are also being asked to provide photographs via email to ebrandt@pottsmerc.com
Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5.